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6 distinct programs (read about them here)



Working shoulder-to-shoulder, we strive to brighten lives. 

Can you help?

Handcrafts that empower

  • Income opportunities for women.

  • Baskets, jewelry, sewn items  

Leadership expertise I have gained from ACT takes me to the level of a consultant. Some people tell me how they are inspired with ACT activities and if I can help them know how they can also help their villages. They are interested to know more about ACT and how they can start some projects to benefit their people like we do.
— Generous Turinawe, Director, ACT Uganda
Working with ACT is very close to my heart. I am truly in awe of all the wonderful folks involved and all that has been accomplished in these past 10+ years. We are always trying to do better, as we understand and learn more, working in partnership with the ACT-Uganda folks, and with God’s help, we will all make a difference for the folks in Muko SubCounty—transforming both their lives and ours.
— Dr. Lynn Pottenger, ACT Michigan Board Chair
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